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If you is an AADA member

Check if you have the payment of fees without delay


Ángel Domingo Blasón

¿How to pay?

From exterior contact with us to receive indications

Due rate for 2024 $10000

Please, complete the individual member form and send it to 

The request as new member will be evaluated by the executive commission. When approved, you will be informed about date of entry. 


The rate is annual and as unique payment.

¿How to affiliate to AADA?

¿Who can be an AADA member?

  • Any person interested in agrometeorology or related disciplines may be a member of the AADA.

  • ​​It is not necessary to have argentine nationality or a specific title.

Partner benefits

Current Partner status enables AADA to function in pursuit of its objectives.

In turn, it provides benefits for the member:

  • He is entitled to participate in the institutional life of the AADA: participate in the Assemblies, elect the members of the Directive Commission, be elected a member of the Directive Commission.

  • You can publish free of charge in the annual edition of the Revista Argentina de Agrometeorología

  • Access the scientific meetings organized by the AADA with registration rights at special rates.

  • Access information on scientific events from the AADA and other institutions.

© 2018   Asociación Argentina de Agrometeorología

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